SQL Server Format Number: Everything You Need to Know : cybexhosting.net

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Hi there! Are you struggling with formatting numbers in SQL Server? You’re not alone. Many developers find it challenging to get their numbers to display in the format they want. In this journal article, we’ll show you all the tricks and tips you need to know about formatting numbers in SQL Server. From basic functions to advanced techniques, you’ll have everything you need to master SQL Server format number. Let’s get started!

Understanding Number Formats in SQL Server

Before we dive into the specifics of formatting numbers in SQL Server, let’s take a moment to review the basics. In SQL Server, there are four major data types for numbers: int, decimal, float, and money. Each data type has its own set of rules for formatting numbers, and it’s essential to understand these rules before you can format your numbers accurately.

Let’s take a closer look at each data type:

Data Type Range Description
int -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 Stores whole numbers, both positive and negative.
decimal -10^38 +1 to 10^38 -1 Stores fixed-point numbers. Precision and scale are configurable.
float -1.79E+308 to 1.79E+308 Stores floating-point numbers. Precision is not configurable.
money -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 Stores monetary values with four decimal places of precision.

Knowing the data type of your number is critical to getting it formatted correctly. Now, let’s move on to the specifics of formatting numbers in SQL Server.

Functions for Formatting Numbers in SQL Server

SQL Server provides several functions you can use to format numbers. These functions take a number as input and return a formatted string. Here is a list of the most commonly used number formatting functions in SQL Server:

Function Description
CAST Returns a string representation of the number in the specified data type.
CONVERT Returns a string representation of the number in the specified data type or format.
FORMAT Returns a string representation of the number in a specified format.

Using CAST to Format Numbers

The CAST function is the simplest way to convert a number to a string in SQL Server. It takes two arguments: the number you want to cast and the data type you want to cast it to. Here’s an example:


This query returns the string “123.45”. Note that the second argument to CAST is the VARCHAR data type, which specifies that we want to cast the number to a string. You can adjust the length of the string by changing the number in parentheses.

One thing to keep in mind when using CAST to format numbers is that it doesn’t support formatting options. If you need to format your number in a specific way, you’ll need to use another function.

Using CONVERT to Format Numbers

The CONVERT function is similar to CAST but provides more flexibility in terms of data types and formats. It takes two arguments: the number you want to convert and the data type or format you want to convert it to. Here’s an example:


This query returns the same string as the previous example: “123.45”. Note that we’re using the same VARCHAR data type to specify that we want the result as a string. However, unlike CAST, CONVERT allows us to specify a format code. For example, if we wanted to format our number with a currency symbol, we could do this:

-- Returns "$123.45"

The second argument to CONVERT is a format code. In this case, we’re using the code “1” to specify that we want the number formatted as a currency value.

Using FORMAT to Format Numbers

The FORMAT function is the most versatile of the three formatting functions we’ve looked at so far. It allows you to specify a wide range of number formats and provides options for controlling things like decimal places and leading zeros. Here’s an example:

SELECT FORMAT(123.45, 'C');
-- Returns "$123.45"

In this example, we’re using the ‘C’ format code to specify that we want our number formatted as a currency value. You can find a full list of format codes in the Microsoft documentation.

One of the benefits of using FORMAT is that it’s easy to change the format without changing the underlying data. For example, if you need to display the same number in different formats in different parts of your application, you can use FORMAT to do this without duplicating the data.

Advanced Techniques for Formatting Numbers in SQL Server

While the formatting functions we’ve looked at so far are useful for basic formatting tasks, they don’t provide much control over the output. If you need more precise control over the appearance of your numbers, you’ll need to use some of the more advanced techniques that SQL Server provides. Let’s take a look at a few of these now.

Using Custom Formats with FORMAT

As we saw earlier, the FORMAT function provides a wide range of predefined format codes that you can use to format your numbers. However, sometimes these formats aren’t quite what you need. In these cases, you can define your own custom format codes. Here’s an example:

SELECT FORMAT(1234567.89, '#,##0.00');
-- Returns "1,234,567.89"

In this example, we’re using a custom format code that specifies that we want the number formatted with commas every three digits and two decimal places. The ‘#’ character is used to represent optional digits, and the ‘0’ character is used to represent mandatory digits.

You can learn more about creating custom formats in the Microsoft documentation.

Using Regular Expressions to Format Numbers

If you need even more control over the appearance of your numbers, you can use regular expressions to manipulate the output. This is a more advanced technique that requires some knowledge of regular expressions, but it can be very powerful. Here’s an example:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('1234567.89', '(\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))', '\\1,');
-- Returns "1,234,567.89"

In this example, we’re using the REGEXP_REPLACE function to replace every digit that is followed by a group of three digits with the same digit plus a comma. This effectively adds commas every three digits, resulting in a formatted number.

This is just one example of how you can use regular expressions to format numbers. There are many other regular expressions you can use to achieve different effects.


Q: What is the best way to format a decimal number with two decimal places in SQL Server?

A: The easiest way to format a decimal number with two decimal places is to use the FORMAT function with the ‘N2’ format code. Here’s an example:

SELECT FORMAT(1234.567, 'N2');
-- Returns "1,234.57"

Q: How do I format a number as a percentage in SQL Server?

A: To format a number as a percentage, use the FORMAT function with the ‘P’ format code. Here’s an example:

-- Returns "50.00%"

Q: Can I format numbers differently depending on their value?

A: Yes, you can use a CASE statement to format numbers differently depending on their value. Here’s an example:

    WHEN mynumber < 0 THEN FORMAT(mynumber, 'C')
    ELSE FORMAT(mynumber, 'N2')
FROM mytable;

In this example, we’re using a CASE statement to format negative numbers as currency values and positive numbers with two decimal places.

Q: Can I format numbers using non-standard characters?

A: Yes, you can use the FORMAT function to format numbers using non-standard characters. Here’s an example:

SELECT FORMAT(123.45, '\$###,###.00');
-- Returns "$123.45"

In this example, we’re using the ‘\’ character to escape the ‘$’ character and include it directly in the format string.


Formatting numbers in SQL Server can be a challenge, but with the right tools and techniques, you can get your numbers to display exactly the way you want them to. In this journal article, we’ve covered the basics of number formats in SQL Server, the three main functions for formatting numbers, and some advanced techniques for precise control over the output. We hope you’ve found this guide helpful and informative. Happy formatting!

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